





私(ジュリア鈴木亮子)は静岡市出身で、現在はアメリカ合衆国メリーランド州、首都であるワシントンDCの近郊に在住です。大学卒業後、東京でごく普通(?) に社会人をしておりましたが、いろいろ思うことがあり30代後半でアメリカへ来ました。しばらく学生をやった後に仕事を見つけ、就労ビザを取り仕事を始めました。


私の父は84 歳くらいの時から健康状態が下降していました。ある日、咳が止まらないという事で検査してみると、進行した肺がんであるという診断を受けました。姉からこの知らせを受けて急遽日本へ戻り、主治医から治療についてのお話を聞きました。腫瘍の位置が心臓に大変近かったため、手術の可能性はゼロでしたが、とにかく入院して様子を見ていました、その後しばらく経ってから、父が突然字が書けないと言いだし、視力が落ち、言葉もろれつが回らなくなりました。脳梗塞でした。同時に脳梗塞の合併症である認知症も発症しました。父の認知症は大変な怒りが症状として現れ、姉と私含めて聞くもの見るものすべてに激しく怒りました。しかし、この認知症のおかげで父は自分の病気のことも忘れました。













How I found Gendai Reiki and my master


I am originally from Shizuoka, Japan. Currently, I reside in the United States near Washington DC. After graduating from the college, I was working in Tokyo. I decided to come to the US because I wanted to have a different life. 


When my father was around 84 years old, his health declined quickly and he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. I went back to Japan right after my sister had told me this news. We took care of him and discussed treatment plans with his doctor. Surgery was not an option because the tumor was too close to his heart. All of a sudden, his speech became slurred, his vision got darkened, and he was unable to write anything. He had a stroke. He also got dementia as a complication. His major symptom of dementia was anger. It was rage. He was furious with everything including my sister and me. The only bright side of dementia was that he forgot about his cancer. 


I do not remember at all how I learned about Reiki, but at that time as I looked at my father’s rage, I decided to learn Reiki to treat him. I wanted him to be back to who he was. I thought that the energy from the Universe emit through my hands could cure my father. 


I looked for a Reiki master nearby and found one in a walking distance. I called her, made an appointment, took a healing session, and then took the level 1 class with her. After the class, my body was so hot like fire. I rushed back home and hovered my hands over my father’s head for about 30 minutes. He was asleep. I didn’t touch his head because I thought he would be mad. He woke up later on and his face looked much calmer. He usually yelled at us but he didn’t do so this time. Instead, he and I had a normal conversation. He said he was hungry so I made porridge for him. Reiki worked!!! It was amazing how fast it worked. I continued treating him every day while I was there, and his emotions got much calmer.  


I was going back and forth between the US and Japan because I had a job in the US. Unfortunately, his cancer worsened and he passed away several months later. I already took the level 2 class at that time. Why could I not send more distant Reiki to him from the US? He might have been cured and still alive if I had given him Reiki every day in Japan! This has been my biggest regret in my life, and it sometimes torments me. Whenever I go down into this spiral, I stop it by sending the Reiki light to my heart. Reiki has helped me reduce such regret and accept everything that happened. 


My father gave me an opportunity to learn Reiki and find my master. It has been more than 12 years since I met her. I am still taking her healing sessions every time I come to Japan. The first thing I do after I book my flight to Japan is to make an appointment with her. I trust her so much and I always ask for her advice when I am lost. Without my father, his illness, Gendai Reiki, and my master, I would not have been where I am now. 


※If you would like to contact with MoMo(Homepage adjustment in progress).I will forward the mail to MoMo.